
BladeRunner 2 character work

Gaff, Rachel, and an earlier Deckard I want to work into more so far. Gotta get Merci, the replicant girl who is functioning as an analog of Mercer from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep in my story finished. Then 4 key scenes I'm hoping and Merci's character design. Eventually I find out where my concepting for Rachel and Deckard and Gaff went did like full 11x17 sheets on each of them working on their silhouettes and costumes and body types.

Fish and Tanks

Bunch of fish from life, books, and redesigns based around them and a few tanks from the tank museum


Creative Perspective and Dynamic Sketching

Two fast environments and some insect studies and redesigns. I like how the Sumo Ant came out myself.


Dynamic Sketching for Illustration

A Bunch of animal, plant, and insect studies from a mix of life and photography with some redesigns of my own and based on them.

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff

From Art stuff